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Toyota Innova G vs G Luxury 2017: Detailing the Distinctions

Favian Bagus

Toyota Innova has been a household name in the realm of family vehicles, offering comfort and reliability. The year 2017 saw the introduction of two distinct variants of the Innova: the G and the G Luxury. Let’s delve into the nuances that set these two apart.

Desain Eksterior dan Interior

Both the Innova G and G Luxury models boast an elegant design, but the G Luxury steps up with a more luxurious and modern touch. The G Luxury variant is equipped with enhanced lighting features, including HID headlamps, which are not found in the standard G model.


The interior of the G model is quite comfortable, featuring basic amenities that cater to the needs of a family vehicle. However, the G Luxury variant elevates the experience with a more sophisticated and stylish interior, including captain seats for the middle-row passengers, providing an extra layer of comfort and exclusivity.

Fitur-Fitur Unggulan

When it comes to features, the Innova G is well-equipped with the essentials such as air conditioning, an audio system, electric windows, and automatic doors. The G Luxury, on the other hand, boasts additional features like a three-zone automatic AC, a 7-inch touchscreen entertainment system, and safety features like ABS and EBD.

Performa dan Kenyamanan Berkendara

Under the hood, both the Innova G and G Luxury are powered by the same engine, ensuring consistent performance across both variants. However, the G Luxury is designed with a superior suspension system, promising a smoother ride and better overall driving comfort.

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Perbandingan Harga

The most significant difference between the two variants is the price. The G Luxury commands a higher price tag, reflecting the additional features and luxury it offers. Here’s a comparative look at the pricing:

Varian Harga (IDR)
Innova G MT 337 jutaan
Innova G Luxury MT 343 jutaan
Innova G AT 357 jutaan
Innova G Luxury AT 363 jutaan
Innova G MT Diesel 368 jutaan
Innova G AT Diesel 389 jutaan
Innova G Luxury (range) 387.1 juta – 440 juta

Pertanyaan Populer:

Q: Apakah perbedaan utama antara Innova G dan G Luxury?
A: Perbedaan utama terletak pada fitur-fitur tambahan yang ditawarkan oleh G Luxury, seperti sistem hiburan canggih, fitur keselamatan yang lebih lengkap, dan kenyamanan interior yang ditingkatkan.

Q: Apakah harga Innova G Luxury sebanding dengan fitur-fiturnya?
A: Ya, meskipun harga Innova G Luxury lebih tinggi, fitur-fitur tambahan dan kenyamanan yang ditawarkan menjadikannya pilihan yang sebanding untuk mereka yang mencari lebih banyak kemewahan dalam kendaraan keluarga.

Tips Memilih Antara Innova G dan G Luxury:

  • Pertimbangkan Kebutuhan: Jika fitur tambahan seperti captain seats dan sistem hiburan canggih adalah prioritas, G Luxury mungkin pilihan yang tepat.
  • Anggaran: Tentukan anggaran Anda dan lihat apakah fitur tambahan pada G Luxury sesuai dengan nilai tambah yang Anda cari.
  • Test Drive: Lakukan test drive untuk merasakan perbedaan kenyamanan berkendara antara kedua varian.

Dengan mempertimbangkan semua aspek ini, Anda dapat memilih varian Innova yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan gaya hidup Anda.

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